This is a live cam of the Osprey nest (known as an eyrie) located at Captain Mac's Fish House and Seafood Market in Fenwick Island, Delaware.

Johnny and June are a breeding pair who return each year to raise their chicks. Northern populations migrate south to overwinter in lakes and coastal areas of Central and South America and return each spring as waters warm and prey become accessible.

The North American Osprey is the only raptor that plunges feet first using its talons to catch live fish which is their main source of food. Ospreys are monogamous and fiercely protective of their mate and nest. Their average lifespan is 15-20 years and a female will lay between one and four eggs each spring. The incubation period is 38 days and both parents incubate the eggs. Once the chicks hatch, the female will remain in the nest to protect them while the male brings fish and feeds them to the young. After about 55 days, the chicks begin to fly.

Enjoy dinner on our outdoor deck overlooking the beautiful marsh these ospreys call home.